Satro-Paladin has excellent prices on equipment from more than 560 brands, including such popular ones as: Tantos, Commax, Vizit, Line, Western Digital, Macroscop, Parsec, BioSmart, Gate, CAME, CISA, Dorma, PERCo, DoorHan, Rostov-Don, Bolid, IronLogic, DSC, Jablotron, C-Nord, Rexant, Delta Batteries, Security Force, Yarpozhinvest, Epotos, Tungus, MIG and many others. And our own warehouse allows us to have everything we need in stock: from turnstiles to clamps.
Satro-Paladin provides flexible financial terms of purchase, qualified technical support on complex issues, and the services of its own service center. The company also offers delivery to almost anywhere in Russia.